Educational Resources for Judges and Lawyers

Links listed below can be used to assist Judges and Lawyers with classroom visits and other educational speaking engagements.

Florida Supreme Court

This is a content-rich site with links to educational classroom materials, high-profile cases at the court, docket search, information on the justices, oral arguments, merit-retention, court operations and jurisdictionPDF Download, past reports on issues such as gender biasPDF Download and racial biasPDF Download.

Florida Courts

This content-rich site provides links to all courts in Florida and information on jurisdiction, trial court statistics, administrative initiatives, such as alternative dispute resolution, drug courts, family courts, privacy and court records.

Center for Civic Education 

The Center specializes in civic/citizenship education, law-related education, and international educational exchange programs for developing democracies. Programs focus on the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights; American political traditions and institutions at the federal, state, and local levels; constitutionalism; civic participation; and the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

Street Law 

This site develops curriculum to “help people understand their rights and responsibilities, think critically and work cooperatively to solve society’s problems.” Provides “practical, participatory education about law, democracy, and human rights.”

First Amendment Center 

The First Amendment Center offers lesson plans, teacher’s guides and supplementary handouts on the topics of religious liberty, speech, press, assembly and petition.

American Bar Association 

The America Bar Association program is designed to provide lawyers and judges with topics and resources to engage high school students in a “Dialogue on Freedom.” This site’s “additional resources” link includes comprehensive list of key documents, including Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Emancipation Proclamation, Federalist Papers, and also a very good list of online resources.

National Center for State Courts 

Under NCSC’s Information link, “Civics Education” provides an overview, resource guides, FAQs, and related documents on dozens of issues, including some that might be suitable for classroom visits, such as judicial independence, juvenile justice and delinquency and court records and privacy.

Our Documents 

A cooperative effort among National History Day, The National Archives and Records Association, and USA Freedom Corps. Their mission is “to help us think, talk and teach about the rights and responsibilities of citizens in our democracy … explore 100 milestone documents of American history.” The additional resources link has lesson plans and teaching activities based on primary documents.

National Constitution Center 

A national outreach center to increase public understanding of, and appreciation for, the Constitution, its history, and its contemporary relevance. Great resources for students and teachers.

Bill of Rights Institute 

The mission of the Bill of Rights Institute is to educate young people about the words and ideas of America's Founders, the liberties guaranteed in our Founding documents, and how our Founding principles affect and shape a free society. This site provides links to classroom materials and more.

NPR - Justice Talking 

This is a collaboration of NPR’s JusticeTalking weekly law program and the New York Times Learning Network. Teaching materials on various constitutional and legal topics for high school students.

Last Modified: July 10, 2019